18K Double Ended Natural Healing Crystals Hand Wired Necklace
Necklace with carved pendant of natural crystals with healing properties.
The metal parts of this necklace are made of 18 karat gold plated stainless steel and the pendant is made of natural crystals cut and polished to give it a perfect finish, each necklace is wired by hand giving a unique touch to the necklace.
- Wire Material: 18 karat gold plated over copper.
- Chain Material: 18 karat gold plated over a base of stainless steel.
- Length: 50 cm + 7 cm / 19.6 inch + 2.7 inch.
- Gemstone Charm: Natural healing gemstone imported from Brazil.
- Handmade in Europe.
⭐ Pink quartz (pink)
⭐ Amethyst (purple)
⭐ Tiger’s Eye (Yellow / Brown)
⭐ Opal (litmus)
⭐ Green Jade (Green)
⭐ Clear quartz (clear)
⭐ Obsidian (Black)
⭐ Gold stone (available in orange goldstone and navy blue goldstone) ♡
Each pendant is made of high vibration natural crystals that have spiritual and physical healing powers.
💖 Pink Quartz - Attracts love into your life, helps to solve problems with family, personal and love relationships. Increases self-love and is perfect to use during meditation.
💖 Amethyst - Transforms the bad energy around you and turn it into positive energy of high frequency, in this way it protects and turns the bad into good. It generates a feeling of peace and helps you connect with your spirituality.
💖 Tiger’s Eye: The Tiger’s Eye crystal is a type of yellow quartz, with brown bands and iridescent reflections. It is a semi-precious stone, which is also known as the “stone of freedom”. It is a stone used to attract wealth and avoid dangers. Mentally this stone is responsible for maintaining balance and eliminating any fear and indecision.
💖 Clear Quartz - Powerfully protects you from all kinds of evil, from bad vibes to envy of the people around you, divert those bad energies and do not allow them to reach you, it takes care of you even when you sleep. Perfect for meditating.
💖 Green Jade - A protective stone, Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. Jade attracts good luck and friendship. It stabilizes the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts.
💖 Obsidian - Powerful stone that breaks all negative energy that can harm you, acts as a protector. It absorbs all negative energy and destroys it completely before they reach you, in this way it generates calm and a feeling of well-being in you even with bad energies around you.
💖 Opal - Stone of creativity, attracts good fortune, peace, joy and luck. It helps to ward off negative feelings such as anger, jealousy, etc. and increases self-esteem. It helps to have a pleasing personality.
💖 Orange Goldstone and Blue Goldstone - Stones of abundance and fortune, perfect to attract money and ward off deficiencies. Orange goldstone is associated with the root chakra and the zodiac sign of Sagittarius. Blue goldstone is believed to transmit healing energy, increase self-acceptance, aid in learning and soothe hypersensitivity. Blue goldstone is thought to be the ideal stone for empaths.
This jewel include a special microfiber cloth for cleaning fine jewelry.
- Processing Time: 1 business day.
- Shipping Time:
Europe: 5-7 Business Days.
United States: 10-20 Business days.
Canada: 10-20 Business days.
Returns Policy
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla augue nec est tristique auctor. Donec non est at libero vulputate rutrum. Morbi ornare lectus quis justo gravida semper. Nulla tellus mi, vulputate adipiscing cursus eu, suscipit id nulla. Donec a neque libero. Pellentesque aliquet, sem eget laoreet ultrices, ipsum metus feugiat sem, quis fermentum turpis eros eget velit.